Institutions of Conscientiology

Conscientiocentric Institutions (CIs) are organizations whose objectives, working methodologies, and organizational models are based on the consciential paradigm. The primary activity of CIs is to support the evolution of the consciousness through the clarification task (claritask), guided by leading-edge relative truths (verpons) found in research conducted in the field of Conscientiology and its related specialties.

All CIs are independent, private, nonprofit associations primarily sustained by the voluntary work of teachers, researchers, administrators, and professionals from various fields.

These institutions conduct research and apply techniques and paratechniques with the goal of implementing and expanding Conscientiology on the planet. They achieve this through lectures, conferences, courses, debates, seminars, workshops, symposiums, congresses, and free activities. They also undertake cultural and socio-environmental projects aimed at promoting the re-education of the consciousness.


While there are different forms of volunteerism in our society, conscientiological volunteering prioritizes the clarification of both human and extraphysical beings.

In practical terms, conscientiological volunteerism offers an opportunity for the consciousness (soul, ego, multidimensional being) to develop and improve itself while simultaneously practicing interassistance in a lucid, rational, anonymous, and cosmoethical (beyond human ethics) manner.

Typically, a volunteer in Conscientiology works within a holothosene they are more aligned with, during a period of their intraphysical existence. They perform administrative, research-oriented, and clarifying tasks for themselves and others.

Administrative tasks ensure the maintenance of the infrastructure for the execution of other activities defined and developed by Conscientiological Institutions (CIs) aimed at individuals who resonate with such ideas.

In chronological order, we present the 25 Conscientiological Institutions (Base Year: April 2024)

The International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology (IIPC) scientifically studies out-of-body experiences, bioenergies, projection phenomena, self-awareness, and personal and parapsychic development.

The International Association of the Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology (CEAEC) is the first conscientiological campus on the planet, located in Cognopolis Foz do Iguaçu, and is dedicated to education and research in the field of Conscientiology, the study of the consciousness.


The International Association for the Evolution of the Consciousness (ARACÊ) conducts activities aimed at promoting the maturity of the consciousness, based on the practical application of Conscientiology’s theories and working hypotheses in everyday life.

The International Organization of Conscientiotherapy (OIC) is a multidimensional organization of excellence in Conscientiotherapy, contributing to the establishment of the consciential health holothosene on the planet.

The International Association of Existential Inversion (ASSINVÉXIS) aims to promote, disseminate, and discuss the technique of existential inversion and related topics, such as adolescence, life planning from youth, inner evolution, parapsychism, intellectual development, healthy social interaction, professional career, and the existential program.

The International Association of Editares is dedicated to the production and publication of books (gescons) based on the science of Conscientiology and its specialties.

The Union of Conscientiological Institutions (UNICIN) essentially consists of:

Mitigating contradictory sentiments regarding the intermissive purposes of Conscientiology groups, seeking to create opportunities for the best aspects of the consciousness to emerge. It connects them to the group proexis and the common purpose of Consciential Reurbanization.

Ensuring continuity and expansion of the consciential paradigm through multiple activities in teaching, research, and outreach, favoring the group experience of the fundamental principles of the science and the effective realization of Conscientiology and its specialties.

Preserving the holomemory of Conscientiology, the CCCI, CIs, and Conscientiological Volunteerism while simultaneously acting as a synergistic focal point and catalyst aimed at harmonizing the actions of its associates, volunteers, CIs, and COs, with the goal of achieving a consciential wholesale outcome.

Creating a favorable environment for discussion so that different groups can listen to each other, respect divergent opinions, and collectively, with their personal and group strengths, make more assertive decisions in terms of interassistance, multidimensional aspects, and multiexistential matters.

The International Association for the Expansion of Conscientiology (AIEC) seeks to provide technical, administrative, and financial support to assistantial, cultural, and scientific research projects.

The International Association of Conscientiology Research Campuses (INTERCAMPI) focuses on providing clarification regarding the evolution of the consciousness, based on the Consciential Paradigm that proposes self-research (research of oneself) for self-knowledge and consciential reeducation.

The International Association of Conscientiological Communication (COMUNICONS) focuses on the study and qualification of the consciousness’ communicability in all its natures and forms, encompassing the communicative process beyond the five senses, which includes parapsychic phenomena. It regards communication as multidimensional, multiexistential, bioenergetic, cosmoethical, and universalistic, much like continuous self-research, which are essential factors of the consciential paradigm.

The International Association of Interassistantial Conscientiometry (CONSCIUS) has, as its main objective, to create a conducive environment for consciential self-reeducation through the development of techniques for conscientiometric self-research.

The International Association of Conscientiology in Childhood (EVOLUCIN) has the purpose of studying and researching the processes of human rebirths based on the Consciential Paradigm – a new approach that links the researcher in the role of a scientist and, at the same time, as the subject of investigation, considering the following realities, with the aim of accelerating evolution from childhood.

The International Association of the Existential Program (APEX) aims to research and educate about one’s existential purpose and personal and group evolution based on the consciential paradigm.

The International Association of Parapedagogy and Consciential Reeducation (REAPRENDENTIA) is an institution with an educational, cultural, and scientific character, with an interassistential, multidimensional, and universalistic purpose.

In its conscientiological educational activities, REAPRENDENTIA works on the training of Conscientiology teachers, encourages the development of multifaceted personal erudition, and promotes research in the areas of parapedagogy and consciential reeducation.

The International Union of Conscientiology Writers (UNIESCON) aims to promote the union, exchange, and synergy among Conscientiology writers through interassistance in writing, especially regarding the masterpiece.

UNIESCON organizes activities for the development and improvement of conscientiological writing, provides support to authors and author candidates, individuals interested in writing from the consciential paradigm, and intermissive and pre-intermissive readers.

The International Association of Interassistantial Parapsychism (ASSIPI) aims to promote education, research, and clarification on parapsychic phenomena through bioenergetic techniques and activities. It also aims to contribute to the support of the consciousnesses, enhance one’s lucidity of interdimensionality, and promote the practice of cosmoethical interassistantial self-parapsychism.

The International Association of Laboratory Research into Ectoplasm and Parasurgery (ECTOLAB) has a mission to study, research, and develop a parapsychic research methodology in Ectoplasm and Parasurgery, contributing to the promotion of multidimensional interassistance.

ECTOLAB has been conducting research on these subjects for nearly a decade through the Interassistantial Dynamic of Parasurgery (IDP).

The Interassistantial Dynamic of Parasurgery (IDP) is an assistantial activity aimed at the holosomatic recomposition of assisted consciousnesses through the installation of a bioenergetic field, with the materthosene of invisible surgery.

The International Association of Conscientiological Encyclopediology (ENCYCLOSSAPIENS) aims to dedicate itself to teaching, producing, and disseminating entries from the Encyclopedia of Conscientiology.

The Encyclopedia of Conscientiology is a detailed analysis of the human consciousness based on research techniques grounded in facts and parafacts.

It represents a practical summary of the body of ideas from Conscientiology or the compilation of conscientiological knowledge, made accessible to anyone interested in this science.

The International Association of Seriexological and Holobiographical Research (CONSECUTIVUS) is dedicated to scientific research on past lives, primarily through the phenomenon of retrocognition (memory of other lives).

Our main specialty is Seriexology, which is devoted to the study of existential seriality (multiple lives) and its evolutionary consequences.

The International Association of Paralawology (JURISCONS) is dedicated to research, education, development, expansion, consolidation, and dissemination of the neoscience Paralawology, a specialty within Conscientiology.

The International Association of Cosmoethicology (COSMOETHOS) aims to study and research cosmoethics, one of the many 100 specialties within Conscientiology. In this way, COSMOETHOS has the overarching goal of contributing to the establishment of the cosmoethical holothosene through the intrapersonal and existential recycling of its members.

The International Association of Interassistantial Support (INTERPARES) promotes donations of conscientiological scholarships, courses, books, conscientiological laboratories, parapsychic dynamics, conscientiotherapy, professional guidance, and financial guidance.

The International Association for the Implementation of Cognopolis in SC (ORTHOCOGNITIVUS) plans to establish a Cognopolis SC in the Greater Florianópolis region by the integration of intermissive individuals and organizations from the International Cosmoethical Conscientiological Community (ICCC). This is aimed at expanding Conscientiology and the prophylaxis of proexological deviations.

The International Association of Interassistantial Leadership (LIDERARE) provides assistance with techniques for enhancing one’s leadership style, management tools, and project structuring, with a focus on the Consciential Paradigm.

Our aim is to expand the systemic understanding of the multidimensional repercussions of a leader’s actions.

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