Waldo Vieira (Monte Carmelo, April 12, 1932 – Foz do Iguaçu, July 2, 2015) was a plastic surgeon, cosmetology specialist, dentist, conscious projector, parapsychic, lexicologist, and author of several works. He is considered the first conscientiologist for being the proponent of Conscientiology and Projectiology.

In his youth, he settled in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, where he graduated in medicine and dentistry. While still a student in 1955, he personally met the medium Chico Xavier, and together, in the 1950s and 60s, they engaged in mediumistic work at the “Comunhão Espírita Cristã” spiritist center they founded in Uberaba. Later, Waldo Vieira disassociated himself from Spiritism to dedicate himself freely and scientifically to parapsychic research.

In 1979, he published the book Projeções da Consciência: Diário de Experiências Fora do Corpo Humano (Projections of the Consciousness: A Diary of Out-of-Body Experiences), which drew the attention of those interested in Projectiology. In 1981, he co-founded the “Centro da Consciência Contínua” (Center for Continuous Consciousness), dedicated to the research of out-of-body experiences and altered states of consciousness. 

In 1986, he published the treatise Projeciologia: Panorama das Experiências da Consciência Fora do Corpo Humano (Projectiology: A Panorama of Experiences of the Consciousness Outside the Human Body) with the first edition of 5000 copies, distributed free of charge to researchers and libraries in the country and abroad. The treatise consists of exhaustive research (more than 1900 bibliographic references from 37 countries) that endorses serious and scientific study on the subject. This treatise also underpins the studies of Projectiology and Conscientiology and is considered today the primary Brazilian work on projections of the consciousness. Over the years, Vieira also assembled a considerable library on projections of the consciousness and related topics, including thousands of popular and scientific references on the subject. Later on, he established Conscientiology as a neoscience with the creation of the CEAEC campus and other conscientiocentric institutions in Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil. In January 2000, he took up residence at the CEAEC Campus, where he wrote his most ambitious project, the Enciclopédia da Conscienciologia (Encyclopedia of Conscientiology). Parallel to the production of the Encyclopedia, he published five scientific treatises: Homo sapiens reurbanisatus (2003), Homo sapiens pacíficus (2007), Dicionário de Argumentos da Conscienciologia (Dictionary of Conscientiology Arguments) (2011), Dicionário de Neologismos da Conscienciologia (Dictionary of Conscientiology Neologisms) (2014), and Léxico de Ortopensatas (Lexicon of Orthopensatas) (2014).


In 1995, Waldo Vieira established the Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology (CEAEC), initiating the development of the Cognopolis neighborhood (City of Knowledge) in Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil.

By donating his personal library to CEAEC, it became possible to establish the Holotheca, which boasts one of the world’s largest collections related to parapsychic phenomena.

In the Holocycle, a specialized area in lexicography, Waldo Vieira trained teams of researchers to develop the Encyclopedia of Conscientiology, which contains thousands of entries related to the vast universe of the consciousness.

Waldo Vieira’s extensive legacy consists of a robust and inspiring set of ideas materialized in monuments built both physically and energetically, in buildings and spaces established in the creation of the Cognopolis neighborhood in Foz do Iguaçu. However, most importantly, this legacy is realized through written work that is yet to be fully explored.

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